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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 266 Back home

What can I say; our second anniversary trip was a great success. Not only did we take in a couple of shows, shared time with great people, and enjoyed the shops and food, but I also appreciated the time spent with my wife. I would have to say that the best part of the trip was the walking and talking we did. Don’t get me wrong; everything else was great too, it is just that time talking about what is important to your partner is something couples seldom find time for.

I learned a lot of new things about my wife and her perspectives regarding some minor and major issues. Even though some of these items arise from disagreements, they are good to know and I am happy to have them in the open where we can both work on them as a team. That is what a marriage is all about; it is about sharing both in the good times and the bad. When you share everything, you create an open environment where each individual can operate with the knowledge that Love rules and long term views are held higher, than the current fading small issues.

Please note that I am currently only speaking for myself in this blog and the opinions of my wife may differ from my own. Our perspectives are seldom the same, but whose is not. Each one of us views the world with our morality/ego filter, which is composed mainly of historic data and past relationships. This is what can make relationships so hard, understanding the others view points. This does not mean that you will always agree on everything, but it should mean that respect and love will always be part of the picture. And for my part I thank my wife for always tempering her viewpoint.

Although I am happy to be home after our trip, I must say that I have realized the reason why I never got home sick. The building we live in, the walls that surround us, that patch of land that Toronto taxes us for is not home to me.

Home is my wife and no matter where we go; as long as we are together, I will feel at home.

So to my comfort, my friend, my wife and my home, I say thank you for welcoming me everyday. I love you more than words could possibly say.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Ed. That actually brought a tear to my eye. I felt the sincerity in your writing. May you both be blessed all the days of your lives together.
