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Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 273 The end of a chapter

And so the thankfulness blog must come to an end. I have been thinking about what to write now for about 1-2 weeks in order to mark the closure of this chapter in my life walk. Nothing really seems appropriate, except to say that the lessons learned during this process will remain with me for years to come. Initially, this was meant as a challenge to swing my perspective to the more positive things in my day to day living. It was supposed to run the course of a full year and yet I am ending it early. Things change, and this is more than a fact it is necessary. In every walk of my life change needs to occur. The more routine life becomes the less life it will have. Although my intention was to complete a full calendar year, I am satisfied with the 273 published days.

Those of you reading this, do not get the wrong idea; I am still find things to be thankful for everyday. I just feel that there are other areas within my life, which have need of greater focus and attention in order to foster my growth as a person and Christian. I will continue to blog but on a much broader range of topics and thoughts. I thank all of my readers for their encouragement and input and will continue to welcome any insight they wish to share.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 272 Roof Repair

I was very grateful to get home early and get onto my roof. Apparently a crack in some of the caulking had developed over time and water has been leaking in. Now that I have found the source I will be able to repair the damage to the living room ceiling. All that being said, I am very happy with the progress of our home. Working around the house is an ongoing project, but nothing brings me the same satisfaction as completing a job. This season I was able to do quite a bit of yard work, including the planting of two fruit trees and transplanting of two more. As winter speedily approaches I am keenly aware that my garage project involving insulation is needed sooner than later. I have great hopes that this weekend will be very productive and I will be able to complete the preping for this as well as winterizing the garden and putting away the patio furniture.

Day 271 Community Connections

Despite another rainy evening we had a large turn out this week at Tuesdays Community Connections. It is hard to describe working for this ministry, but it feels like being home. Even though I was cold wet and had a bad back I couldn't have been happier. I remember smiling all the way back home on the bus, the complaints of the day just seem to disappear and all that was left was a servants heart. Oh, how I wish I could remain in that state. My wife was kind enough to have my supper in the oven and ready to go when I got home so I could relax a bit before going to bed. As usual it strikes me as odd that those who start off trying to bless others are blessed in return. The Lord does work in mysterious way and that is fine by me. My hope is that he will continue to give me opportunities to share with the Chester Le community and minister to them.

Day 270 Monday

Feeling renewed after retreat weekend.

1) New appreciation for my wife
2) The comfort of being home
3) I have the privilege to work
4) Blessed by my friends
5) Encouraged by the Word of God.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 268 & 269 Converge Retreat

Attended the Converge retreat over the weekend. It was great to reconnect with friends I haven't seen for a couple of years. Worship was fantastic despite the missing equipment and the spirit was definitely present. The messages were all about relationships and how we are called to interact with the opposite gender. Even though Merna and I are married there were lots of nuggets that held truth for us to apply to our daily lives. Many good discussions were started and relationships were deepened, this is what Church is all about. What I like about the group of people that attended is the openness and transparency; you never got the feeling that they were putting on a front.

Aside from the games, the talking and the laughing we all did one thing really stood out for me. The group cared for one another. Now I am not sure exactly how many of us there were, but there were at least 30 people and for a group of that size to get along is shocking. But it went beyond getting along, you could see hear and touch the care everyone showed to one another. People listened to what others had to say and took the time to really hear their concerns. It was refreshing and I am sure we will be looking forward to the next one.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 267 Bus Ride

Going on fall retreat with the Converge group was great. The bus ride gave me an opportunity to read a book my brother loaned my written by CS Lewis called "The Screw Tape Letters." It is not often that I have time to read for pleasure so I took advantage of the chance. The fact that I was riding in a bus rather than driving certainly helped. I also got the chance to catch a little shut eye. It is funny but I don't remember when it happen, but I would say that out of the 30 plus people I am friends with 90% or more. I am looking forward to Pastor Johnathan's sermons.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 266 Back home

What can I say; our second anniversary trip was a great success. Not only did we take in a couple of shows, shared time with great people, and enjoyed the shops and food, but I also appreciated the time spent with my wife. I would have to say that the best part of the trip was the walking and talking we did. Don’t get me wrong; everything else was great too, it is just that time talking about what is important to your partner is something couples seldom find time for.

I learned a lot of new things about my wife and her perspectives regarding some minor and major issues. Even though some of these items arise from disagreements, they are good to know and I am happy to have them in the open where we can both work on them as a team. That is what a marriage is all about; it is about sharing both in the good times and the bad. When you share everything, you create an open environment where each individual can operate with the knowledge that Love rules and long term views are held higher, than the current fading small issues.

Please note that I am currently only speaking for myself in this blog and the opinions of my wife may differ from my own. Our perspectives are seldom the same, but whose is not. Each one of us views the world with our morality/ego filter, which is composed mainly of historic data and past relationships. This is what can make relationships so hard, understanding the others view points. This does not mean that you will always agree on everything, but it should mean that respect and love will always be part of the picture. And for my part I thank my wife for always tempering her viewpoint.

Although I am happy to be home after our trip, I must say that I have realized the reason why I never got home sick. The building we live in, the walls that surround us, that patch of land that Toronto taxes us for is not home to me.

Home is my wife and no matter where we go; as long as we are together, I will feel at home.

So to my comfort, my friend, my wife and my home, I say thank you for welcoming me everyday. I love you more than words could possibly say.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 265 Vacation

This is the week of our Anniversary trip and I am taking a blog vacation.

1) My wife.
2) Her smile.
3) Her laugh.
4) Her inner beauty and heart.
5) Her faith.

All of these things make her my perfect match and I don't need a website to tell me that.

Day 264 Thanksgiving

What can I say other than I am thankful for everyone who came to our celebration.

Bob & Sharon, Dave & Sarah and the kids, John and Amanda, Curtis, Omama, Dad & Galina

Day 263 Sunday Preping for the Big Day

This day I mostly cooked and cleaned in the anticipation of hosting 15 people for thanksgiving.

1) Turkey smell in the house.
2) An abundance of food.
3) We have a beautiful home.
4) Wonderful weather.
5) Time alone with the wife.

Day 262 Saturday

1) Sleep
2) Sunshine
3) Fresh Air
4) Sharing a meal with my extended family
5) Relaxing

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 261 Converge Fridays

I had a great time running the sound board on Friday again. Converge is more than just a regular gathering of a church group. To me it is family and friends banding together to celebrate with one another the fact that we have all been saved. The more I go to Converge the more I realize this is as much part of "church" as the services on Sundays. I must say our talented worship crew did a fantastic job this past Friday and I am just glad to help out the talent. The teaching time done by Claudette was thought provoking and I hope spoke into many people hearts. I can tell that this is a great start to the long weekend. May all of the memebers have a wonderful Thanksgiving, for as we sang earlier we certainly have much to be grateful for.

1) Friends and Family.
2) A place to worship.
3) Food and Fellowship.
4) Real conversations and compassion.
5) Joy.

Day 259 Community Connections Thursdays

Very thankful that we have a driver rotation and I can go home a little early and see the wife for more than 5 minutes.
Here is a quick list of notable items today.

1) Great supply of food for the Community Connection Ministry came in.
2) Volunteers who work tirelessly.
3) My wife who understands my need to give back to the community.
4) Christian examples of faith and strength.
5) Good neighbours.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 258 Self Obsession

Self Obsession.

Have you ever found yourself totally consumed by the current turmoil in your own life or asked your self why me? For the past week and a half that has been me. Somewhere along the line I lost focus, somewhere I got sucked into the troubles of this world. Life was living me and I was not living. It saddens me to know this, but at the same time it gives me great joy to know that I found out and was able to change it.

Between work pressure and stretching myself to thin and feeling guilty about the actions and decisions of others, I choose to complain, gripe, and become bitter. Of course in this type of mind frame one can easily forget the things in the day that we should be thankful for and let me tell you I did not want to be thankful. O I knew that I should be, I just didn’t want to be. If only I had listened to the wisdom of the book of James earlier; instead I choose to take part in the root of bitterness, a downward spiral I wish no one to endure.

For you see, James says to count it Joy when you are found in diverse trouble. For the working of you faith will perfect patience. And didn’t Paul write to the churches that in whatever state he found himself, he was able to find contentment? So what of me, where is my joy and jubilation in the receiving of the greatest gift of all. Salvation. We are called to do everything to the Glory of God, so I ask myself how in the last week and a half have I used my troubles to glorify God. The answer brings me to shame; as far as I know, none. Which begs the question, what better can I glorify God then to be joyful in times of trouble than to lean on him for strength. Like Paul says, when I am weak he is strong, so I will boast the more in my weakness to have the hand of God’s power to rest upon me.

You see that is where I made my error; I forgot to lean on him. In some twisted part of the brain I have, I thought that I could handle it. Christians are not called to handle it, we are called to give all of our burdens, ALL of our burdens to Christ, for his yoke is easy and burden is light. Salvation is not based on the single trade of sin and trouble for a gift-wrapped box of Grace. We are called to renew our minds, and to die to self daily. And why are we called to do this, because that is the only way the Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth. If you read about Christ and his forty days and nights in the desert, you will know what living and being in the spirit is all about.

I want to be clear here, my failure was not that I was not thankful about things. My failure was not that I was dealing with many troubling issues all at once. I failed to lean on my Heavenly Father and paid the price while trying to rely on my own judgment, my own righteousness. And so as a warning to others I write this blog, let him be your source in times of good and bad. Open your Bible daily and let him speak with you. Pray about all the things troubling you in your life and most of all remember to praise him and thank him for all he has done. We are called to do all things in his name and to do everything to the Glory of God and when we do we will find comfort and blessing.

Over the last week and a half, I have found many things to be thankful for and here are just a few.

I am alive.
I have a great wife and family.
I have been blessed with work, a home and food.
The union of two friends.
I have many friends who care for me.
My family is healthy for the most part.
I have the ability to help within my community.
I am surrounded by great examples of Christ followers.
When I am in need, God is always there.
That I have the greatest gift ever given to a person and that joy as a result should be shared.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 257 My Eve

In the beginning of time God created a companion for man called Eve. In his great wisdom he knew that Adam could not make it on his own. And despite the fact that woman was made from man, we are very different entities. God had a purpose behind making the two different and giving us separate talents, strengths and weakness, which compliment each other. I would like to be able to rattle all the different traits to you, but much like most of God's creation and ideas, something’s I just can't grasp. His thoughts are way too high for me and just how a man and woman can be together without knocking each other over the head is amazing.

Our capacity for Love is definitely stretched and exercised on a daily basis; the grace, which is shown in a marriage, is phenomenal. There are sometimes when I just shake my head and wonder how my wife can live with me. Our second anniversary is coming up and I am looking forward to taking a break with her, she is my best friend. And just like it states in the Bible, I believe that we love each other as, "no greater love is there then a man lay down his life for a friend." The security that comes with this knowledge helps to build a stable life foundation and is second only to the relationship that I have with my God.

My favourite part of each day is the morning when I kiss her goodbye while she sleeps. And despite the fact that I am leaving her to go to work, I rest assured in the knowledge that she loves me for who I am, with all of my flaws. Just like I am sure Adam felt when he first met Eve, I too look upon Merna and know that God fashioned her for me and for that I am truly grateful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 256 Reflection of the Past

As I mentioned in my last blog, I am now focused on expression my thankfulness in tangible ways that will impact others. Tuesday is one of the nights that I serve with the Community Connections Ministry, and this particular evening I decided that I would do more than usual. There are a couple of brothers on my route that remind me of myself and my brother David when we were growing up. Just like us, their father is no longer living with them and their mother is struggling to make ends meet. Now having been in that exact same position, I can empathize with the older brother who tries his best to take care for the younger one, when Mom needs to work. He has been filling in for a father figure and is growing up to quickly and shouldering responsibilities to early.

So I decided to try and bring some fun back into their home. Just like when I was a kid we didn't have many toys, I figured they might have a need that I could fill. Guess what I was right, Luke the older boy was very grateful when I handed him my Playstation with all the games. He told me that it was very appreciated; to which I responded it was my immense pleasure. Sometimes it is the little things in life that bring the biggest pleasures, and I am thankful that God has blessed me and my family so much that I am now in a position to give to others.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 255 Do I know what it means to be thankful?

If you are an avid reader of my blog, you will know that I haven’t written anything since last Thursday. That is the day that one of my friends told me they had cancer and very little time to live. I haven’t written anything since; because I was in a state of shock and not because I have nothing to be thankful for.

News like this in general is never what I would consider good, but to hear it about a person that you care deeply for and work with and have known for sometime makes the wound that much deeper. Some people might even question the justice or existence of God upon the receiving of this news, but for me it inspired a soul-searching question. Am I really thankful?

I mean, just because I choose to remember a few items everyday and write them on a wall for all to see, does that make me thankful? If life is so fragile and a person of noble character and regular selflessness can have news of this sort confront them out of the blue, what hope is there for me? Why didn’t the news land the opposite way, and if it had how am I prepared to handle it? In some ways I feel a little a bit guilty because I know that I can do better with my life.

My intention with the blog was to be a catalyst for change, a constant reminder to focus on the good in my life and blessings and not dwell on the bad. Perhaps I was a little hasty and foolish with this exercise. For change cannot occur alone by simply marking down good things that happened to you, for change to occur action is required.

This news has made it evident that both good and bad things can and do have an impact on our daily lives. But the question is, will it be positive or negative? How am I creating things in my world that improve it or people's lives? It is simply not enough to write of things to be thankful, I must show it and reflect those things into others and the world around me. The Bible states that as Christians we are to show others the Glory of God through our actions. It also states that faith without works is dead. By extension, this means I need to put my gratefulness into action. For did I not receive the greatest gift of all, the gift of eternal life? And should I not show continually gratitude for it? I mean how else are we supposed to show the Glory of God?

My friend knows the Lord and so I do not fear for her or her future. I am quite sure that she is grateful for every moment on the planet; I too need to have this perspective. For only when we are faced with our mortality can we really appreciate who we are, what we have and the gift of salvation. May the Lord show us all mercy and may this revelation change me forever. My prayer is that my thanksgiving will be more than marks on a page and evident in every action from here on out. For now, I will do what I can for her and simply apply the Bibles commandment, that we love one another and exalt one another each and every day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

254 A Revelation of God's Promises from Revelations

Reviewing God's promises and reading the word Is better than filling any earthly craving.
Rev 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Rev 2:7 ...To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.
Rev 2:8 ...Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Rev 2:11 ...He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.
Rev 2:17 ...To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.
Rev 2:26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations.
Rev 3:5 He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life...
Rev 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more....
Rev 3:21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
Rev 7:16 ...And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

Day 253 Mondays

Some people hate Monday's simple because it means the start of a new work week. I am here to do the opposite, I love Mondays and my work. I am thankful that I have a job, loyal customers, a steady income, a loving and healthy family. Truly the Lords blessing are new everyday.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 252 Church

Sunday morning I left for Church early in order to help with the cooking and serving of soup on the Community Connections bus. We were hosting an awareness and volunteer drive after both the 9 and 11 am services.

1) Friends and Family.
2) Worship.
3) Coffee and Conversation.
4) Volunteers and Team Work.
5) Afternoon Naps.

Day 251 Up & Down

Saturday morning came early and I went to work right away. I finally had everything I needed including the two different size of ladders to complete the cleaning and re-caulking of all of the windows. All day it felt like I did nothing but go up and down, but I finally got them all cleaned and finished by Sunday and it should help our gas and hydro bill.

1) Our lovely home.
2) Neighbours who know the meaning of friendship.
3) Lunch out with my wife.
4) Long walks.
5) Beautiful fall weather.

Day 250 Chicken Soup

My wife has been feeling a little under the weather, so I roasted a Chicken and made soup for her. Nothing beats a cold like homemade chicken soup.

1) My ability to cook.
2) For our good health
3) A loving wife
4) The weekend.
5) The New season of house has finally arrived.

Day 249

Due to time constraints I have been remiss in my entries for my blog. The next couple of postings will be brief and in point form in order for me to catch up.

1) Community Connections
2) Volunteers
3) God's provisions
4) Strength
5) Good Health

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 248 Community Connections Launch Dinner

Many of you may already know that I am involved with a group from my Church called Community Connections. It is a ministry that serves two communities near the Church and provides in partnership with the food bank groceries and hot meals once a week to roughly 200 people. Last night was our launch dinner where we got together and discussed what and how we can do better.

As part of the presentation Pastor Jeff mentioned; that we are called to be more than just a food delivery service, and Christ must be at the core of this ministry. Each one of us has the opportunity to make and impact in the community and allow God to do extraordinary things. There were a lot of fresh ideas shared and I am looking forward to implementing them. Our new Co-ordinator Penny is doing a great job at reconstructing the administrative side of the ministry and trying to streamline the whole process.

This weekend at APC's Sunday services we will be serving soup to the members in the hopes of raising awareness for the ministry and also recruiting new volunteers. I personally am hoping for the younger generation to step up and pitch in, it would be nice for the ministry to be able to relate on all age levels. I am grateful for the vision that has been shared by leadership and appreciate their support. It is good to understand the scope of the ministry and what we are trying to accomplish and make sure that everyone is on board and has the same vision. For how can we get to the destination if we don't have a road map?

So for all of those interested in helping out or learning more about the Community Connections Ministry I urge you to come visit us at the distribution bus for a cup of hot soup on Sunday. And for those who can't volunteer I ask that you lend us your prayers for the ministry, that God's will be done.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 247 Second Chester Le Trip

So this Tuesday the Community Connections bus seemed to hold on to it's battery charge, unlike the previous week. Once again we had the privilege to go out into the Chester Le Community and serve them with a hot meal and deliver groceries. The turn out was larger than the last and people were happy to see us. It seems as if they are getting used to me which is nice since I am one of the newest volunteers. I really enjoy getting to know them and hope that one day I will be able to share things about the Lord and what he has done for me. Right now I am simply encouraging them to come to APC and ask if they have any prayer needs. This week our new Co-ordinator; Penny,  came with us to see how things work in the field, I hope and pray that she will bring new ideas to the table which will improve our service to the people and make everyones job a little easier.

During our trip and service I had the privilege to invite someone to Resonate and hope that our smaller groups will continue to be an area of interest for the younger people.

On a side note I noticed a beautiful sky like the sunrise I witnessed the other day and made a mental note that God is there in the morning and this is a reminder that he is also there at the days end. So I say thank you Lord for being with me daily and in every place I travel, your grace and your mercy abound and for that I praise your name.

Day 246 Holiday Mondays.

This past weekend was a long one and no I don't mean that time dragged on. Monday was a holiday and we were grateful for it. Since we were running around on Saturday and over at the inlaws on Sunday it left us little time for the house hold chores. So on Monday we cleaned the entire house from top to bottom as well as caught up on the dishes and I cooked what I now call my famous ribs accompanied by roasted vegetables. It seems as if I can never make enough to satisfy our appetites. My wife and I also found time to just sit down and talk one on one which doesn't happen very often, so I enjoyed it very much.

Also Monday seemed to usher in a new weather mass and I had the opportunity to air out the house and enjoy the cool fall like breeze.

Day 245 Family Fun

Sunday was once again a family get together day with my inlaws. If there is one thing they like to do it is to cook and eat. Good thing that I love the food. It was great to reconnect with everyone before the school year starts. We also celebrated both Merna's nieces birthdays and I was also able to install a new ceiling fan for them. This was a nice change from the previous hectic week and I was glad to be able to play backgammon and talk with my extended family. Of course what would family get togethers be without the left overs that we were able to take home and enjoy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 244 Internet

Truly the Internet has changed our lives in many ways, but the most significant that I have noticed is the ability to find things. The information that is available to the consumer online now is fantastic, what use to take you hours and a tank of gas is a simple click or two. Window shopping has never been easier or faster, for me my time is more valuable than the money. So when I was able to find a discontinued medical product in under a week, I was very pleased. Giving this new piece of equipment to the person in need after they had been waiting for a long time, made my day. Not only did I get the product that I needed but I also paid a great price for it. Doing things for others always brings a high level of satisfaction, but because this was such a relied on item makes it even better.

Day 243 Guys Night Out

I went out with the boys on Friday night in celebration of Lyndon's upcoming wedding. There is nothing quite like bonding over good movies and food. Although during the movie talking was at a minimum, great conversations ensued as soon as we hit the restaurant. Various topics were discussed and I was happy to connect with a few of the guys I don't normally get to speak with. Truly friendship is a commodity we need to elevate in value, spending time with those who care for you is priceless.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 242 Community Connections @ Baymills

It was great to serve with my Thursday Community Connections Crew for the first time this year. We were blessed with an abundance of food and it was nice to see our friends at the Bay Mills location. To open up the new season we sang Faithful One and it sounded good. It was nice to catch up and find out how everyones break went and what was happening in the community. They are having a BBQ on Saturday and we were all invited, it is a shame I will not be able to attend. I am looking forward to bringing new ideas and innovations to the table and try and encourage more interaction with the people to interface with the Church on some level.

Next week I am hoping to have prayer cards with me in order to have them fill out their requests and hopefully start remembering more of the peoples names and needs. If we are asking them to make a connection with the church we should also be prepared to do the same for them. The regulars I am familiar with but it is the quite ones I worry about and probably have deeper needs then we are aware. So readers, your prayers are asked for and needed. I am also going to once again inquire into an event calendar that I can hand out for all the levels of the APC church groups so we can interface all age levels and needs.

Once again I say thank you to God for the abundance and ask him to bless the community and ministry for his Glory. May the volunteers show a level of love for one another that breaks the bounds of normalcy and shine as a beacon to those being served. And may each of us be at the ready with an explanation of our joy and hope in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 241

Thankful for my wife, her understanding, love, comfort, care, thoughtfulness and grace when it comes to me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 240 Rough Start to Community Connections

Well last night was the beginning of the new season for the Community Connections outreach ministry into the Chester Le Community. We were well received as always, but the numbers were a little bit down probably due to the summer holidays and activities. I had the privilege of giving the opening prayer and had a nice time catching up with the regulars and meeting a few new people as well. Things seemed to be moving along quite well until we went to leave. That is when we ran into some trouble, the bus refused to start. After several attempts at getting the bus to turn over we decide to get the church van and try to boost it. That too failed to work and we were forced to abandon the bus and return via the van.

All that being said, I think all the parties involved show the character to persever and overcome any obstacle and worked great as a team. Who knows maybe that was God's plan all along. I can't stress enough how much this ministry means to me and even more so now.

I have been reading James and studying on how to be in the spirit more and developing my faith. I find it interesting that it has been mirroring my life as of late. James MacDonald one of my favorite ministers said, Faith is the switch to gain access to the power of the spirit." and I believe it. The whole Bible is filled with the benefits of faith and the fact that it is the core of Christianity. A good definition of faith would be "Believing the Word of God and acting on it no matter how I feel because God promises a good result."

The power of faith of course cannot be realize until it is combined with works, for faith on its own has no reward. This idea of faith being dead without works links in with ministry, not just Community Connections but every ministry. It boils down to loving thy neighbour as thy self and not living for your lusts alone. The Bible states in James 4 :17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Works aka ministry is our chance to Glorify God and bless him, honour his Son as well as reach and bless others. So for my part I Thank God for giving me an opportunity to use the talents he has provided to Glorify him through helping others. May the Community Connects Crew act as the Body of Christ in unison and show his true love and grace. Amen.

O yeah and if anyone can donate a bus to the church that would be fantastic. This ministry reaches about 200 people per week.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 239 Choice

As with all of us I have a past, some are more spotted with disappointment than others. The good news is, that it doesn't have to be for the rest of your life. If you don't like who you are with all of that baggage then we have an option, a choice. The choice we all share and have an opportunity to choose, is forgiveness. Just like most things in life every choice has side effects. This one just happens to be a good one. We as humans have a very big problem and that my dear friend is carrying every past problem with us and letting it affect who we are in the present.

To stop this one must break the link between all that has happened in the past, and the only one to do that for us is Jesus Christ. His forgiveness knows no bounds, be it time or otherwise. Once you accept him your past can no longer hold you back unless of course you let it. As Jesus said in the Bible, come to me all who are weary and heavily laden and I will give you rest. That rest is available to all of us, no matter what burdens and past we carry. The choice is up to us, of course there is still one concern once you hand over all of this baggage. How do I keep from picking up more? Good point, well we are called to remain in the word aka Bible. The Bible is kind of like a text book on how to live your life and avoid all of the issues that may arise. The difference now that you accepted Christ is that you have a helper, his Holy Spirit. Not to say that you are now perfect, only that you are vouched for by God's son. The Spirit, the bible states will guide you into all truths, which means we don't have to make any more mistakes, isn't that great news.

The reason I chose to write this in my blog is because I am studying how to be more connected with the spirit to change for the better. I am learning how to live and listen to the spirit so I can understand and follow the Lords will. I mean come on, how well was I doing without him, look at all the luggage I left behind. Why not let the creator of the world guide you, he does know how it will all end anyway. He also knows the best you, you can be and how to get to that place. So for myself I chose to follow and express my gratitude for the grace shown to me through his son Jesus.

Day 238 Windows

Since Fall is almost upon us I have been working in overdrive the last week or so getting things in the house prepared for; that's right I said it winter. Our house is a little older than most and all of the windows are wooden and have a very fancy spring action built into the sides. As is typical in older homes most of our windows have been painted shut and no longer function in the way they were intended and maintenance has not been done for quite some time. So my job over the last couple of days has been to reverse engineer said window, take it apart clean and repair them and get them back into working order, and insulate the storm windows. O Yeah and I forgot that I have also been removing the old dry caulking that has shrunk away from were the window meets the brick, fun wow. To say that this job is easy would be a stretch, the front window alone took over two hours to complete.

That being said, I have the great satisfaction of getting a job done right and knowing that I will benefit in the long run. I also will know my wife is happy that we have cleaning working windows that she can now move without the use of a hammer. On top of this I am sure that our heat bill will be reduced and the house itself will look a little better than before. Since the summer began we have been working here and there on small and big projects and it is nice to finish up a few things. I know that this is an on going project and that it will never end as professed by my co-worker Jeff. But to tell you the truth I like the work and I think it is fun, I still remember the kick I got out of installing my first toilet. It is the small things in life that are worth the most, and I thank God for all that we have.

Day 237 Saturday

Saturday started like a typical weekend morning, early. To say that we run around on this day is a joke, it is more like foraging for supplies, thank God that we have such blessing. I can just image if we were as small as insects, I am sure we would be equated to a bee zipping from flower to flower looking for nectar. Throw in the laundry, stop at Walmart, hit the Home Depot, over to Arz and a brief stop at the Shoppers and last but not least M&M meats. Back at home we enjoy the burgers we picked up from the Real McCoy the only burger in Scarborough as far as I am concerned. A little door repair, attend APC's Saturday church service and then over to the Mother inlaws to drop off the borrowed car and some coffee and more fresh produce than we can handle from her garden. Let us just say that by the time we get home we are grateful that the day is nearly done and we look forward to a quieter Sunday.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 236 I Offer Poems To Show Thanks For My Wife


A dozen roses I do send,
To bring you a smile and not to offend.

Red and fragrant they do smell,
A feeling of endearment they do tell.

Vibrant and full of sentiment and life,
Chasing away the blues and any present strife.

A story given physical form,
Words of love meant to adorn.

In hopes of the sender to bring a smile,
To the one who receives them without guile.

And so the twelve are sent in place of one,
Full of grandeur, glee and fun.

Some would say it is an empty gesture,
For me it is meant to lift my true treasure.

Even though the dozen roses are nice,
Not even a thousand would suffice.

For gifts are only a token,
Of things unsaid and rarely spoken.

To which I end this poem with one last line.
My love for you is what I wish to give and let shine.

The Gardener

On my flower I do focus my care,
And provide increase through conscience word and deed.

At her beauty the world doth gape and stare,
My pleasure ever increased as I, you feed.

A skilled gardener a Husband must be,
Tender with pruning and full of goodly attention.

I bask and enjoy her full glory when bloomed is she,
And so with great pride and satisfaction, to my desert flower I pledge all my love and affection.

But to other men a warning I send, that thorns will appear in your life’s yard through disregard and neglection.

Little Kisses

Some are big and some are small,
But little kisses I like most of all.
Planted delicately on your cheek,
Cherished most of all when your are a sleep.
Missed through out my day,
They are brighter than any sunray.
Cozy warm and full of love,
Soft and gentle like a dove.
Given eagerly without reply,
Better than words, they cannot lie.
To you I give them with all my heart,
To my day I can think of no sweeter start.

One So Fair

What can I say to one so fair?
I thank the lord everyday for you in prayer.

A gift so great only one can compare,
Your inner beauty makes one stop and stare.

Kind in heart and larger in spirit,
A love so great I almost fear it.

What can I do to deserve such a gift?
What can I do or say to give her a lift?

Only return the same in kind,
An exchange of hearts, assurance signed.

To you I gladly give my pledge.
My love for you takes off, bird like from a ledge.

So if at times my words go awry,
Please remember it gets better with each new try.

What shall I liken thee unto?

What shall I liken thee unto?
How can I describe your attributes for you to truly see?

I could say that your heart is large it is beyond compare,
Always sympathetic showing remarkable care.

I could say that your mind is focused and steadfast,
Always thinking of ways to help others never dwelling on the past.

I could tell stories and regale crowds about your strength,
Always persevering, going the distance, going further than the prescribed length.

I could say that you have a quite old soul,
Full of understanding and virtue on the whole.

I could mention your work ethic and unstoppable hands,
Articles made with which are know not only here but also in other lands.

I could tell of your beauty both inside and out,
How you sparkle like a jewel and shine light all throughout.

I could tell you all these things, which are written in a language unable to describe,
Your true value to me with which I can claim ownership and declare with pride.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 235 The Power of Worship

On my way into work this morning I was once again enjoying talking to God. I find that it is only in the moments when I am alone and it is quite that I feel the closest with the father. It is in this place that not only does my mouth and mind sing, but my heart and spirit as well. As a result of this genuine communication, powerful emotions can rise up within me. I find that when I worship out loud without restraint that a sense of his presence is felt along with his spirit being stirred up within me. For those who do not believe in God or his son Jesus Christ this might all sound crazy, however this is what I would call a heart to heart conversation. As the words of song and praise are sung, they reinforce the fact that God is God and awesome in stature. That awareness further reminds you that you are not and that there is a huge gap between the two of you which was bridged by his Son on the cross. Of course as the understanding and realization of what Jesus did for me impresses itself upon my mind, emotions of gratitude mingled with sorrow and joy can overtake you. Once this happens I usually become incoherent at which point the spirit must do most of the communication with the father.

The Power of worship is this, that in the act of worship we gain perspective, reflection of what God and Jesus have done to save us from our sins and self as well as identifying things in the now that still need work along with the encouragement to continue. I also realize that I do not want anything to stand in the way between me and my father because I know that only in his presence can I experience pure joy and peace.

Day 233 Time with my wife

It was on Tuesday evening that I had the privilege to be alone with my wife at home, which does not happen too often. Both of us work a full day and find little time during the week to connect like we do on the weekends. So it was nice to be able to share some alone time with each other sharing and talking. That morning I actually sent her and email, letting her know that I couldn't wait until we were retired and then we can walk and talk and share more adventures with each other. I even said that she could visit a few stores for shopping, of course she laughed at the mention of "the few". I think I may be in for some trouble.

Anyway back to the topic of time and my wife. For those of you who do not know me time is a bigger commodity to me than money, which means I value it very highly and don't like to waste it. So for my wife and I to sit on the beach, take a walk or share sometime talking under a tree or in a cafe is very special to me. Her happiness and well being are important and she and I both deserve time in our relationship. I can't really express to you in written words why I like spending time with her, but put simply I love her. It not what we do together so much as the who we are doing it with. Sure we have fun together and laugh and argue just like everyone else, but where I think we are different is that we have accepted each other for who we really are. I don't have to hide the real me, which is great and relaxing. So time with my wife is kind of a break from the world and its expectations of me and I wouldn't trade it for any sum of money.

Sometimes things can be said better in a poem.

To my wife of now two hundred and twenty three days,
I send you from my craving heart its ever-beating waves.

Like a drum it keeps rhythm to the thoughts in my mind,
Visions of you float to the surface and with my conscience bind.

Unforgettable and memorable has been each passing day,
Words cannot express the fullness of love I wish to say.

Knowing that this world will some day come to an end,
Intensifies the affection that I have lovingly penned.

Great comfort is found in knowing that when all is said and done,
We two will be together always, between the dawn and setting sun.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 232 Lunch with my Brother

Monday I had lunch with my brother and let me say that it has been to long since we last connected. From the time I was a small boy I have loved and appreciated him; perhaps not some of the things he has done, but always him. When we were younger we used to go everywhere and do everything together, I am pretty sure that we were best friends. It was cool to know that I could always count on him to be by my side if and when I needed him. I remember whole summers playing hockey and biking around together. Don't get me wrong, life was not always smooth between us; like most boys we managed to find ourselves in trouble frequently. But that never changed our relationship.

Of course as we both grew up and got married and he now has a whole family to provide and care for of his own, time together seems to become less and less. Funny you think that would change the way I feel about him but it doesn't. I still believe that I can rely on him if I really need something and that is great to know. Having a brother is something that I have always been able to lean on and I don't think I can begin to understand life with out one. Of course I have more than one brother; and I am close with them all, but Dave is the one I grew up with and bonded with the most. Only three years separate us from each other, which means that we like a lot of the same things and hung out with the same people. I guess what I am trying to say is that I miss spending that kind of time with him, but appreciate the times we do have and I thank him for going to lunch with me. He is a great guy and I am proud to call him brother and friend and I can't wait for the next lunch.

Day 234 Miracles

Miracles in this day and age come on really? I mean in Jesus' time sure, but now with all this technology and science that surrounds us? That is how most think, that is the state in which we can find ourselves if we are not careful or observant. The world can sometimes overload our senses to the point where we stop seeing, noticing, and appreciating much of the miracles that surround us. Sure during times of intense stress or joy we once again peel back the veil from our eyes and see miracles, like during child birth, being rescued from a disaster or getting that job you know you weren't qualified for. But for the most part that daily reverence, that openness to God's creation has been stifled by the drone of the world, do more, have more, go faster, live life to the fullest, he who has the most toys wins.

That is why I am grateful for this morning's personal miracle or should I say miracles. That's right I experienced one today and hopefully every day until Christ returns. I witnesses a spectacular event this morning, to some it might seem dull or stupid but not to me. The sunrise that was orchestrated by God this morning made me stop dead in my tracks as I walked to work. I just stood there gazing at it beauty and kept repeating to myself that God had commanded this event to take shape, right here, right now. How awesome is that, the creator of the world command this large mass to spin around another in such a way as to provide warmth and light to our world and probable many more things that we will never understand.

My point is this when is the last time you paused to watch one unfold? Just like me I am sure that we pass things on a daily basis that could and should be celebrated and classified as miracles. After my first revelation of course, more followed, the trees, the birds even the flowers and the many differences. I even noticed that my breathing became a little deeper and more exploratory trying to take it all in. Creation is a daily miracle and wonder, so is the life that is in me and every living being. Joy should be in your heart always and I was glad for it to be in mine this morning. What a wonderful feeling to know that you are walking through and living in something your God created. That appreciation I hope I will never forget or take it for granted again. Find joy in the little things, for the things we find little are usually bigger than we think.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 231 Cooking

Because we went to Church on Saturday I was able to devote most of my time on Sunday to one of my favorite past times, cooking. There is just something wonderful about creating something that people can enjoy and benefit from. Of course I wouldn't do anything if it wasn't fun, but being in the kitchen has always been more than that for me. When I grew up as a kid my mom and brother and I had to stick to a very strict budget. As a result we didn't go out to eat that often and had to be inventive in the kitchen to keep thing interesting.

Now that I am on my own, that history has worked it's way into my kitchen. Not only do I mix strange things together in order to not waste food, I also experiment with every dish I cook. It does help that the Lord has blessed me with a mother inlaw with a wonderful garden and range of fresh produce. It also helps that I seem to have a skill for cooking and a taste to go with it. It is not uncommon for me to be found in my kitchen listening to jazz and preparing 3-4 meals at a time.

This past Sunday I made a wonderful beef stew, zucchini curry and a big batch of home made chicken wings and boy were they good and gone just as quick. My wife now accuses me of getting her hooked on hot sauce in the stew or soups. But no matter what I cook the ultimate thanks must go to God who provides not only the material but the talent as well.

Day 230 House Work

Saturday was great, I woke up early as usual and went straight to work. I cleaned out my garage and got it prepped for renovations and I also organized and cleaned up the work room. I finally reclaimed all of the material from the church benches and separated the garbage from the reusable wood. All in all I almost put in a whole workdays worth of work in. I didn't get a pay cheque, but instead I got the appreciation of my wife and everytime I go into the garage I have a great sense of accomplishment.

There were of course more items on my To Do list; but it does not diminish my joy in getting things done and there is always next Saturday.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 229 Random Non-musical Notes

Let my heart sing to the lord,
like a bird at the morning.
My heart sings to the Lord,
Like a flower responds to light.
My heart sings to the Lord,
For all his grace and glory.

His Psalms speak to me and I must respond,
His words guide me and I must follow,
His revelations blind me to this world of greed,
His crucifixion frees me I must believe.

This is why I must change my mind for thoughts of his saving power are not enough. I must love from my heart and not my head.

Day 228 My Blog

Once again I am inspired to write about this blog and it's positive effect on my daily life. The reflection and meditation on those things which I am thankful for has changed not only my perspective by some of my behaviour patterns. Gratefulness has a lot of side effects and tends to temper all forms of communication with others. Patience and long suffering come as a result from being both content and thankful in all aspects of life.

The knowledge that God has brought all things into one's life for a reason, stops the blame game fairly quickly. Pride however, still raises its ugly head from time to time but for the most part this exercise has been a good one. As the days go by and I near my goal of a full year of blogging I wonder what I am going to do once day 365  gets here. I really like blogging and putting my thoughts down so I can revisit and review them. I can gauge my progress over the year and see an evolution of myself which is kind of cool.

Sometimes I find it difficult to start my daily entry, but as I type the thoughts just seem to flow onto the virtual paper. Today is Friday and once again I find my mind wandering toward this evening and the Converge group. We are scheduled to have a presentation on El Salvador and the mission trip which I think will impact the whole group and change not only the lives of those who went but those who hear and absorb the message, I can't wait. The only thing that would top this is if I was able to go, I do so miss the blessings of a mission trip. The whole concept is to go and help others and God in his fashion takes that concept and turns it on its head and blesses the giver as well as the receiver. There is no greater feeling than knowing you are where God wants you and doing what he wants, it's very liberating and fulfilling. May he be with those presenting this evening and may his will be done.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 227 Work

Very grateful today that I had the opportunity to meet with a large client. I know that some people are not really into their work, but I believe any job is more than just punching a card and always have. Things have been a little tough as of late in my industry but I am happy to say that I have high expectations of myself and will continue to work hard.

It is hard to believe but I have been with Datcom 15 years, that in itself is an accomplishment. The friendships I have made with some of my clients have been unexpected and great. I don't just consider myself a sales person, but an extension of my clients companies. In essence I view myself as a part of their team and company, my job is to find solutions that will help them in their daily commerce.

The feeling I get when a project is completed is fantastic, it is like I won a prize at the fair. After all every job well done is like a reference letter for me. And the fact that I still have a job in this competitive market place is a blessing from God.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 226 I am not!

I am thankful that I made it to the end of the work day. After spending time with family late last night and battling a bout of the toss and turns I am still alive. Grateful for my home, bed and a place to call my own. Having the ability to go to a place which is comfortable and welcoming is a privilege and a blessing. The chance to go to bed early instead of having to work two jobs just to make ends meet. People around me that care about my well being and the ability to converse with people at all is truly a blessing.

I am not isolated or alone, I am not homeless, or hungry, I am not struggling with making ends meet and I do not live in an abusive environment. For all these reasons I humbly said Thank you God and pray for those who are in these circumstances. Sometimes I think I have to much, may I always have a right perspective with regards to God's provisions.

Day 223 Guests

Saturday was a great day, accented by a visit from family from out of town. It is always nice to see family and friends that live a long distance away. It seems as if the further away and the less frequent you see someone the more you appreciate their company. Merna's Aunt and Uncle were in town from Washington for a few days and it gave us a chance to show them our house, sit down and have some food and coffee and catch up on family news.

Of course because our life is so full we also went over to my sisters to attend a BBQ for three of the kids Birthdays and on top of that we also had a chance to meet and great the Russian Contingency visiting Galina, my dad's wife who also recently celebrated a Birthday. It was nice to have them here to share in some family events. And despite the sun burns from the weekend beach stay I think they are having a great time.

Our weekends seem to be relatively the same with respect to running around and visiting, at times it can be tiring. But the point is that what we value in life should not be the things that we surround ourselves with but the people with which we share our lives.

Day 222 Friday Night's

I write this as I wait for the worship team at Converge. Friday is one of my favorite nights and I would rather be here that anywhere on a Friday. I still remember when that was not the case.

For those readers who don't know, Converge is a service at church aimed at post graduate people and designed to bring them together to share in the worship of God and enjoy life together. O Yeah and sometimes like tonight I have the privilege of running the sound board.

It is nice to be a part of something you believe in, I think that deep down everyone hopes and wants that human interaction. One with only the good stuff, you know like acceptance, friendship, a listening ear, understanding and all in a non-judgemental venue. Well that place is Converge.

Put simply we all have fallen short and know it, so for the most part we do what the Bible commands and encourage one another. I think that is what I like the most, people here are transparent,  real and caring. Seldom is there a mask or wall encountered, this allow for the genuine growth and birth of relationships.

This type of open relationship is just like the one we have with our God, to bad that this place was not everywhere and everyday. God bless Converge.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 225 A Study of what we should be thankful for

Today I did something a little different and searched the word (Bible) for what I should be thankful for. I mean here I am everyday typing out what I am thankful for with no real clue as to what I SHOULD be thankful for. I can't believe it took me 225 days to figure out that maybe I should check with the Lord's word. I mean how can I know his will or voice if I don't immerse myself in it. I should know by now that man's will (aka my) is not God's and that in order to please him I should consult with the word on everything. Even in something like this. If our actions are not really thought out, or focused on, then something like being thankful could easily be devalued or considered small. Once again my bad.

Well as a read through the scriptures I have found listed below and I notice a trend. We should be thankful for a lot of things that do not make my daily list, like his deeds, his goodness, his mercy, his name, his holiness and salvation. And another thing I noticed was the way in which we are to be thankful. Not grudgingly, but with joy and jubilation, with songs and praise, with shouts and music. Truly thankfulness as described here is to be more than just on the lips but also within the heart and intrinsically wrapped up with joy and celebration. I am just thankful to have discovered how to be more thankful.

2 Samuel 22:50
Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.
1 Chronicles 16:34
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.
1 Chronicles 23:30
And to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise at even:
1 Chronicles 29:13
Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.
2 Chronicles 5:13
It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;
Psalm 26:7
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.
Psalm 30:4
Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
Psalm 30:12
To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.
Psalm 35:18
I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people.
Psalm 50:14
Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:
Psalm 69:30
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving
Psalm 75:1
Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.
Psalm 79:13
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations.
Psalm 92:1
Psalm 95:2
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
Psalm 97:12
Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
Psalm 100:4
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalm 106:1
Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 107:1
O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 107:22
And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.
Psalm 116:17
I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
Psalm 118:1
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:29
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Psalm 140:13
Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.
Psalm 147:7
Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God:
Jonah 2:9
But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD.
Luke 10:21
In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.
1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
2 Corinthians 2:14
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
2 Corinthians 4:15
For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 9:11
Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Ephesians 5:4
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
Ephesians 5:20
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Philippians 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Colossians 2:7
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Hebrews 13:15
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
Revelation 7:12
Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.
Revelation 11:17
Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.