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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 258 Self Obsession

Self Obsession.

Have you ever found yourself totally consumed by the current turmoil in your own life or asked your self why me? For the past week and a half that has been me. Somewhere along the line I lost focus, somewhere I got sucked into the troubles of this world. Life was living me and I was not living. It saddens me to know this, but at the same time it gives me great joy to know that I found out and was able to change it.

Between work pressure and stretching myself to thin and feeling guilty about the actions and decisions of others, I choose to complain, gripe, and become bitter. Of course in this type of mind frame one can easily forget the things in the day that we should be thankful for and let me tell you I did not want to be thankful. O I knew that I should be, I just didn’t want to be. If only I had listened to the wisdom of the book of James earlier; instead I choose to take part in the root of bitterness, a downward spiral I wish no one to endure.

For you see, James says to count it Joy when you are found in diverse trouble. For the working of you faith will perfect patience. And didn’t Paul write to the churches that in whatever state he found himself, he was able to find contentment? So what of me, where is my joy and jubilation in the receiving of the greatest gift of all. Salvation. We are called to do everything to the Glory of God, so I ask myself how in the last week and a half have I used my troubles to glorify God. The answer brings me to shame; as far as I know, none. Which begs the question, what better can I glorify God then to be joyful in times of trouble than to lean on him for strength. Like Paul says, when I am weak he is strong, so I will boast the more in my weakness to have the hand of God’s power to rest upon me.

You see that is where I made my error; I forgot to lean on him. In some twisted part of the brain I have, I thought that I could handle it. Christians are not called to handle it, we are called to give all of our burdens, ALL of our burdens to Christ, for his yoke is easy and burden is light. Salvation is not based on the single trade of sin and trouble for a gift-wrapped box of Grace. We are called to renew our minds, and to die to self daily. And why are we called to do this, because that is the only way the Holy Spirit can lead us into all truth. If you read about Christ and his forty days and nights in the desert, you will know what living and being in the spirit is all about.

I want to be clear here, my failure was not that I was not thankful about things. My failure was not that I was dealing with many troubling issues all at once. I failed to lean on my Heavenly Father and paid the price while trying to rely on my own judgment, my own righteousness. And so as a warning to others I write this blog, let him be your source in times of good and bad. Open your Bible daily and let him speak with you. Pray about all the things troubling you in your life and most of all remember to praise him and thank him for all he has done. We are called to do all things in his name and to do everything to the Glory of God and when we do we will find comfort and blessing.

Over the last week and a half, I have found many things to be thankful for and here are just a few.

I am alive.
I have a great wife and family.
I have been blessed with work, a home and food.
The union of two friends.
I have many friends who care for me.
My family is healthy for the most part.
I have the ability to help within my community.
I am surrounded by great examples of Christ followers.
When I am in need, God is always there.
That I have the greatest gift ever given to a person and that joy as a result should be shared.

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