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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 149 - Mothers Day Is Not Next Week But Today

For most people next week is officially Mothers Day, but not for me and my wife Merna. We have the fortune of not only having two great mothers, but ones with the exact same Birthday. April 30 therefore holds great significance for the both of us. There are so many good qualities about each; that I can list, that we love so much about them. But this blog would not be able to do them justice, even if I continued to write from here to eternity.

I think the best thing about today and the celebration later this evening is the fact that I love my mother in law as if she was my real mother and my wife loves mine in the very same way. This as I understand it is very rare and I think special. Both mothers care for all their children deeply and are keenly involved in each ones life. The fact that our two families are integrating brings more joy to our hearts. This merging is only made possible through the care and love of a mother. So to both I say Happy Birthday, to both thank you for raising kind and caring children, to both I wish health and joy and to both Happy Mothers Day. Love you both and looking forward to dinner.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 148 - Pursuit of Happiness

Love is in the air lately with the Royal Wedding happening it seems to be the hottest topic of the week. I hear whispers about people taping it, getting up early to watch it and all the excitement that it brings. All this talk of weddings reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend regarding Love. Many people are searching for happiness and often miss the grander prize of Love & Joy. Too many are wrapped up in their right to the pursuit of happiness, it is even written in the American constitution.

The problem with this is that they are striving for the wrong mark. The Bible speaks of Love everlasting and abundant Joy, why then are people so surprised when happiness does not fill the void. As I mentioned to my friend, how can to people get married if they know nothing about Love and the source of it. I don't mean the love that is mentioned concerning a type of food, a style of hair or a new outfit. I mean Love with a capital L. For God so Loved the world he gave his only Son. That Love is true, that Love is pure. Jesus said no greater Love hath a man that he lay down his life for his friend, which is exactly what he did. The one who was pure, good and the embodiment of Love took our burden of sin and die to save us.

With this belief one would think it would be easy for those of faith in Christ to make the correlation that knowing the source of Love better on an ongoing basis would be the key to expressing it to others. The closer we get to Jesus, the more we understand what true and pure Love is. And by association, we being closer to Christ change, and that Love experienced in turn has an outward expression toward those around us. The snare here is that there are some people who have not made this connection. They think that their happiness (aka Love) is found in the other. This is a grievous error and can lead to numerous problems.

We were created to be loved by God, no other will suffice. It is written, Who can compare to thee and I came that you might have life and life abundant. No other person or thing can possibly fill that void we all have because of original sin. We were made to commune with the Lord of creation and his Love is what we crave and need. This is why many people are addicted to one or many things. They try to fill the void where God should be with things that are perishable and have a shelf life, which is why enough is never enough.

So because of this fact I will try to share this knowledge of true Love whenever the chance arises.Of course the key for me is to remember this fact daily and continue to press close to the heart of the Father so that his character and Love are shown instead of mine.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 147 - To My Wife

I find myself frequently running here and there, which is why I forgot to write this blog yesterday. I did however have a subject which is close to my heart in mind. My wife of which I am eternally thankful to God for is a saint or at least has the patience of one.

Despite the constant time crunch I seem to find myself she is always there doing her best to relieve my stress and take up some of the burden. This is exactly what the Lord meant when he created women to be a help mate. That is not to say that I don't help her, but the focus is not me. I want to officially recognize that my life; which is full of blessings would be barren with out her. I could not do what I do with out her help. She is my logistical genius and many times my memory, I still can't believe the amount of information and phone numbers that she has locked up in her head.

Merna is a get things done kind of gal and that works for both of us. I am highly driven, but to be honest at times can lack focus and often need reminders of things to be done. Her talents are many and believe it or not sometimes it is I who can not keep up with her. She is my comfort when I am down, my go to friend when I am upset or frustrated and wise council when I require advice. At only a moments notice she is available and ready to sacrifice her needs for my own, is there any need to explain my Love for her. Godly in all her ways, she is an example to me on how to treat others. Truly she is one of God's greatest gifts to me. 

So to my Hiyati I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting up with this boy in a mans body. (aka Madman).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 146 - Coping with Another Rainy Day

Just like me you have probably heard the words "April showers bring May flowers." While the saying is true, the doldrums I and others sometimes feel is also a reality. This is not to say that I hate the rain, it is more of the gloom and grey I dislike. Sun showers I have always enjoyed and marveled at, especially if they are followed by one of God's promises to all mankind, a rainbow. But I guess that is the irony of this life; like the rainbow, without both the rain and the sun it would not exist. It is the combining of the two that brings out this beautiful phenomenon.

That being said and understood in my mind, I must now download the information into my attitude, outlook and heart. For without those grey and gloomy days there would be no growth. The flowers need water and sun to grow and flourish, while I require both hardship and blessings on my spiritual journey. God the father knows best, just like in the case of the bow and will mix just the right amount of rain and sun for my life to blaze across the sky. So for now I will continue to bless and praise the Lord and thank him for sending his Son who died for me and broke my bonds and rose again. After that kind of a day who can remember the rain while standing in the Son or the dark when walking in the Light. #hepaidtheprice

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day-145 What do I do now?

Easter Monday is upon us and I am exhausted both physically and spiritually. I need to be renewed, my senses have been overloaded like a body hit with to much sugar and now nothing tastes right.

Everything around me seems dull and uninteresting, the daily grind is really grinding. And so I seek the source, I read the Bible and search the scriptures for refreshment. I can only imagine what it was like for the disciples. They too I am sure had a few highs and lows during the 3 days between the death and resurrection of Christ. Shell shock is probably the only way I can describe it, brought on by the highly charged emotional atmosphere both at home and the church. Now that it is over, things just seem to be a little more mundane and so I am looking to renew my attitude. Christ died, he rose again and ascended into heaven. Now what? Well he told the disciples that he will return and to occupy until he does. To me that means doing ministry for the Lord and spreading the good news to others.

He has risen, we are cleansed, we are renewed, life has a new meaning and purpose. I know I must work to change my focus from the earthly world and it's trappings to heaven and the life ever after. I am reminded that the Kingdom of God is here, now and alive and working in my life. The rising of Christ is not the end but the beginning of salvation and his return should be my focus and by correlation the urgency with which I should serve him and live my life. May the Lord bring me opportunities daily to serve him today.

Day-144 Easter

He has risen, truely he has risen and broken the bonds of Sin & Death.

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow
Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day -143

What a beautiful day, the wife an I have been enjoying running around today getting prepared for today and tomorrow. Every year we share the Easter holidays with both sides of the family. There is a comfort found in the fact that most of our family members share the same belief that Christ was God's son and that he was sent out of love to save us from ourselves and our sin. As we and other families gather my prayer is that Joy and Peace of that belief and knowledge will be shared along with celebration. I know no other reason that could bring more joy to an occasion. We have been saved, redeemed and have found the hope for eternal life.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day -142 Good Friday #hepaidtheprice.

Just check out the tweets. Thank God it is his righteousness and not our own that will be taken into account by the father.#hepaidtheprice.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 141 Family Tradition

Here I am writing my blog in between baking rounds in the middle of the night. Today has been long and yet despite being tired my spirits are up. The family has just finished assembling a fine batch of Speck Kuchen for the upcoming Easter weekend. As long as I can remember I have been assisting my Omama in the making and baking of these little treats. The fun we have had and the laughter and anticipation of the first bit are all part of the beauty of this tradition.

You have probably heard the term soul food or home cooked meal and you know that its about more than the food. Sharing with one another and spending time with one another is also a big part. In our daily routines we tend to forget this and can be short with one another without intention. That's why I think that we all really enjoy moments like this. We get the chance to reconnect and bond again, remembering who we are in relation to those around us and how much they truly mean to us.

Easter is a time of reflection about what the Lord Christ did for all of mankind. He loved us so much that even though we were far from him, he created us and still wanted that connection. He is our father and that makes him family, isn't it time we also reconnected with him and strength the bond like we do with our family's here on earth. I know that I need that feeling more and more in life, so when I go to the Lords table tomorrow, I look forward to more than the food. I crave the hunger of the soul and knowing my good father he will not disappoint. May we all remember that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us in order to reconcile us to God and may we find comfort in his Love, Mercy and Grace and remember to share it with others. Amen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day -140 Resonate

For the still of the morning I am thankful. The moments I have with my thoughts alone are precious to me. The quietness I enjoy inspires creativity and reflection, both at once. The act of looking forward and back, analyzing things of the past and envisioning things in the future.

My life needs this daily quite to take on the onslaught of the day. Not only do I enjoy the quite of my thoughts, but also the whispers of God's. I remain still, like a forth coming sound not having a frequency of my own, awaiting the initial tone. I am the masters tuning fork; unable to create sound on my own, created only to resonate his melody. Lord I pray you provide a song for me today.

I patiently wait upon the Lord.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 139 - Battle of the Mind

Once again my mind fills up with the worries of the world, clogging up my senses and drowning out everything else. I struggle to control my reactions to the ceaseless bombardment of negativity and sense of urgency. I rediscover that this war raging in my mind is a losing battle.

So I draw away again to be with the Lord, my source of comfort and peace. I read my memory verses and try to bury them into the depths of my heart. I halt my wandering mind with prayers and focus on his goodness and thanksgiving for his eternal gift. I read his comforting words and promises I find in the Bible, they are like an oasis in the desert of my life. As I meditate on his truth calm washes over me and I let everything but the knowledge of Christ out of my mind. I wait on the Lord.

I declare to the silence; here am I Lord, how may I be of service. I must remember I only have to get one thing right today, what is God's place and will for me today.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day -138 Holy Week

As I enter into the first day of Holy week, my mind reflects on Christ and my relationship with him. Like everyone on the planet I am not perfect and despite the fact that I am weak and fallible as a human being, the Lord loves me. He died for me, has given me a new lease and perspective of life and what it truly means to live.

His motives; unlike mine, are always true and because he wants me to be the best “I” that “I” can be, I know that when I adopt his will and perspective I am blessed. Choosing to serve humbly his will does not mean that I will get everything right or will avoid mistakes. What it means is that I am on the same page and know that change in my life is necessary and that decision has a side or counter affect of elevating both my spirit and life.

This does not mean that I lose focus on the fact that Christ paid the ultimate price. What it means is that as a result of his Gift of life I am motivated to change and be deserving of such a sacrifice, and honour God. Once someone else pays a debt that you would never be able to repay it is only natural to show your gratefulness in anyway possible. Knowing that you can never earn the gift you have received also provides empathy for others and brings a humility of a fellow sinner sanctified through Christ.

If you must point a finger today, make sure it is pointing heavenward to God.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 137 - Preperation

Palm Sunday is here and what a day. Despite the weather outside our hearts are warmed by the thoughts of the saviour and what he has done for us. Omama and I were running around today getting food for the upcoming celebration of the Easter weekend. And as it was yesterday, the sharing of a belief within a family is invaluable. You can not put a price on the peace of mind you get when your house is full of God's comfort, may all your homes be the same.  There is a sense of joy in the air and we are full of anticipation for the upcoming remembrance of what Christ did for the world. The thought that the creator of the universe loved us so much that he sent his Son to reconcile us to him is overwhelming. As we prepare this Holy week I pray that all of us will keep Christ in the center. In the midst of all the gathering of people, the food, and the celebration may his gift be foremost in all our minds. Communion is most important for me, both with the Word and Spirit and this coming weekend the body and blood of Christ. May we all remember the author and finisher of our faith and may his will be done. Amen.

Day -136 Family

Yesterday I didn't have time to type out my blog, but I knew the topic and here it is. I spent the day with my in laws at their Orthodox church making palm crosses for Palm Sunday. Something about the celebration of Christ together just struck a comfort note within my heart. The smiles, the laughs and the sharing are what really spoke to me. At times like these worldly possessions fade away and the true worth of life is evident. Being of one mind, one heart celebrating the birth, death and resurrection together and remembering what Christ has done for us and the joy that comes from that reality is what really counts.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 135 - My Creation & Reconciliation

Psalms 104 Notes:

God our creator; including the world around us, does so through his spirit breathing life into every creature. How marvelous to know that our origins are from his spirit. We have been divinely created, part of the harmony of this world. Knowing that everything has a time, place and purpose. How wonderful to imagine that he breathed life into it all and that it was perfect in the beginning.

No wonder when we sin we become separate from God and the divine order he put into place long ago. At that moment, we are out of harmony with his creation, no longer in concert with the rest of life. It is for this reason that we are lost. One sin was enough to remove us from the order he put into place, time a function of that order would not accommodate reconciliation. The world itself was doomed along with us when it occurred, a train off the tracks.

Thank God that he loved us so much to send his Son who spake the world into existence from the beginning. Christ and the Holy Spirit working again in Tandem to reclaim what man derailed a right relationship with God. We are reconciled to him through the death and resurrection of Christ the cross and maintained daily by the Spirit. Just as in the beginning; our life, which is only possible through God, remains a part of God, and a gift, without which there could be no life.

This Easter I admonish myself to remember his good works, of which you and I am a integral part and praise his Holy Name.

It is well with my soul when I rest in him.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 134 - More Blessings from the Psalms

Once again I find myself immersing myself within the Psalms. What a reminder of God's goodness, what a testament to us and future generations. Thank God for his words and encouragement. Every time I reread a section of the Bible something new speaks to my heart and the spirit leads my into new truths. Here are just a few:

We are forgiven.
We are healed.
We are redeemed from death and crowned with mercy.
The Lord is patient and slow to anger.
He has withheld just consequence because of his love for us.
He has removed and even forgotten iniquity to bring us closer to him.

Psalms 103:22 Expresses the current state of my heart: Bless the Lord, All his works in all the places of his dominion: Bless the Lord O my Soul.

Day -133 Gifts

The Bible says that "...where your heart is so will your treasure be." I have learned that there is only one thing I need to get right everyday, that is my proper place in existence. God exists and everything else flows from that truth. I am his creation and everything, and I mean everything in my life comes from him. All blessings, everything I have are gifts from him, the eternal provider. So I will choose to focus on the gifts which are permanent and everlasting, people.

Brothers & Sisters in Christ
Those who are lost; and the most important part in this revelation, how I respond and treat the above. Will I today choose to respect that which Jesus has brought into my life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 132-Psalms inspires a new song version.

Today I find great comfort in the Psalms and at a perfect time. Currently there are some stressful conditions at work, but I am shielded by the Word of God. It seems as all the negativity continues to ramp up because I am able to ignore it. This ability to ignore the cursing a hostility is directly related to being firmly anchoured in the promises and unchanging nature of my saviour. When faced with the truth of life after death and salvation from our sin, everything else seems so small and petty. I was even inspired to write a song I was so into the Psalms.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for Ever,
I will sing, I will sing.

With my voice I will shout you to all generations,
You are true, You are true.

With my heart I will rest in your faithful promise,
A chosen few, A chosen few.

With my lips I can confess no one will,
Compare to you, Compare to you.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for Ever,
I will sing, I will sing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 131 - Fountain of Life

To many times in my life have I relied on things of the world and each time brings a new level of disappointment. Which is why we should only place our trust, hopes, confidence and faith on something that never changes. But affirming and understanding this concept is easier than it's implementation. I know that the Lord should be the source for all of our needs; however, remembering to go to him first is difficult to do. I mean growing up we are program to be self sufficient, stand on our own two feet, and told to strive hard for worldly gain.

Only time in God's presence will change this ingrained routine. Prayer, mediation and scripture reading help me in this area the most. I feel great, spiritually focused and on track when ever I practice these things. So I am assuming that with time my instinct will change from seeking my own resource to simply seeking God's. That when I have a need I know that the first and best place to seek answers is at his feet. He is the Truth and the Life and nothing will change that. I also must remember that I am in his hand and nothing can ever pluck me from it. What a kindness, what comfort and assurance, may I find peace and rest in the Lord always.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 130 - Aware

Well despite locking the keys in the car today, I think that things went pretty smooth. Not because things went as planned, but because my reaction to them was. I sometimes can get jangled by events and often allow external circumstances to affect my emotions. Today that did not happen. As I have noticed before there is a change happening within. I give the credit wholly to the Lord and his words, aka the Bible and the meditation on it. I am aware of the truth and the more it becomes my life focus, the easier it is to ignore the problems of the world. Life is easy when you know the only thing you need to get right is that God exists and that he has a plan for you. Everything else seems to flow from this, and things that once annoyed me are esteemed with the proper weight. God is what is important and what he wants for me is a close second, everything else doesn't really matter.

This is not to say that I do not acknowledge the things that God brings into my life, only that their impact on it has lessened. I find that I am not seeking after things of the world, like a new car, the latest cell phone or gadget, but rather how I can conform myself more to the image and patterns of Christ. I seek to change, make personal connections and make people and their spirits more meaningful than the things of the world. Being aware of somethings value in the spiritual world can sometimes; I find, be more important than the physical. And being aware of the difference matters.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 129 - Health

After two trips to the hospital, both of which were sudden, I am grateful that both were false alarms. Health is something we take for granted until things take a turn for the worst. Mortality is only felt when things go wrong or stop working properly. Funny but everyday we abuse our bodies, treating them as if we are indestructible. Thank God that he has integrated warning systems into them for us. May we count our blessings everyday and remember that in the big scheme our time is short. Love your loved ones, enjoy the day, tell someone in your life what they mean to you. And most of all make sure you are right with God. Treat yourself with respect as well as others and live. O yeah and don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the smallest of good in your life.

P.S. This blog once again is written for myself only, those reading it please remember this, and just because I mention the hospital it does not mean I am ill.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 128 - Audience of One

Once in a while like all of us, I feel like my life is not making progress and sometimes it feels like I am going backwards. At times like these we must remember that this is not a singular occurrence, nor is this indicative of only me. I am reminded of the Prodigal ED story I wrote, which touched on the parallel between my life and that of a parable in the Bible. One thing that I didn't mention, was that this story is a picture of every sinners life and every Christians daily struggle and journey.

All of us at one time or another we have gone our own way. And if we really put our lives under a microscope we would see that even after conversion we are prone to backslide. WE ARE NOT PERFECT. Okay who let the cat out of the bag, Christians are not perfect? Does everyone no this? Does God? Of course he knows, he is God. That is my point, he knows that we are weak, he knows we cannot redeem ourselves. That is why he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross, only he was worthy to make amends for our sins. That statement is all inclusive, sins past, sins now, sins future. This does not mean that we are to run amok, but it means that even God knows that this forgiveness was and is needed on an ongoing basis.

Our responsibility as Christians is to remember that we were paid for by a price and therefore are accountable to an audience of one. That one is the Holy One, Jesus Christ, our saviour  and redeemer. We are told in the Bible that Satan accuses us day and night, see  Revelation 12:10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

He not only does this in front of God, but also whispers it in our ears, can you hear it, "Who are you that God should save you, your not good enough, look at the mistakes you have made, look at the things you have done. Why should he care for you?" It is at these times we can lose heart, it is at these times I look for my brothers and sisters in Christ to strengthen me. We are the body of Christ, and although at times we are frail and weak, we are called and commanded to Love one another. When I am weak, he will be strong in another, so we can bare each others burdens. Leave judgement to God, pray for your fellow Christians and be there when they need you without your opinion. Remember that we all are accountable to only One, Christ.

I am encouraged by two things, that I am not alone and even Paul wrote in Romans 7:19 For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Secondly that my righteousness is not of myself but of God as stated in Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. And lastly I will remember that I have promises that I can lean on, Psalm 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 127 - Siblings

Due to the fact that it is one of my sisters birthdays today, it is only fitting to thank the Lord for all of my sibling. May the lords hand comfort and protect them all.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 126 - Value of Prayer

I heard a sermon this morning from Charles Stanley that rang true this morning. How we as mortals sometimes get our focus and perspectives messed up. The subject was that of prayer, a gift that can correct this issue.

Prayer does many things, the first of which is correcting our relationship with the Lord. I do not mean just in spirit but also in status. He is perfect and good in every way, we are not. We need to be constantly reminded of this fact in order view ourselves in the proper light.

The second thing it does is reminds us that a price was paid so we can have communion with God. For since we are not perfect, we needed a conduit to enter his presence. Only through the blood of Christ, the spotless lamb can we achieve this. For Jesus said " I am the way the truth and the light, no man cometh to the father but by me."

And because we are relying on Christ, not ourselves or our works, we must cast off our pride when we pray. This in turn reveals our reliance on God for all of our needs; including our salvation, and at the same time confirms in our minds that he is the true provider of everything we have.

Lastly, we are humbled by the great divide that separates us. It is only when we recognize this vast difference in position that we can truly ask for forgiveness and anything else we may require. Being right with God, requires more than just a head knowledge that he sent his son to die on the cross. We must recognize in ourselves, our sinful nature and that without Christ we would never be able to reconcile to God. Prayer is a medium that takes what is in our heads and embeds the information into our heart. The conversation is not experienced; mind to mind, but heart to heart.

This understanding further reveals that prayer is another gift of God, which when applied regularly can increase our joy, release our convictions of sin, draw us closer to God and help us stay on the path of the righteous. May I remember that being on my bodies knees in the presence God raises my heart unto his in heaven.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 125 - Pride

Reading the Bible tends to have a few side affects, one of which is self examination and reflection. As we meditate on the Lord's words, it is only natural to see if our own lives are in line. I am currently re-reading the Psalms. One thing that keeps standing out is the phrase "Rejoice in the Lord."

Now as a man I must tell you that when we accomplish something that we think is difficult or not the norm, it is our default to take pride in it. Not only do we take this stance, we are sure to spread the good news. I just did Blank, or did you know I could lift Blank and even I make Blank much money. Our tendency is to let others know that we are proud.

But like I said what keeps standing out is "Rejoice in the Lord." Not once have a read anything about rejoice in yourself. So I guess the point that hit home to me, is that this is an area where I might require some work. Substituting the word “I” with “The Lord” in everything I say an do would be a good start. I am sure that this will take great effort, but I am convinced that there is a benefit.

Once I have accomplished this new attitude, certainly other things associated with pride will also decrease. Such as jealousy, hurt, anger, frustration and low self esteem. I guess that is the important part of reflecting on the Bible. Only when I have renewed my mind and understand truth will it be evident in the visible realm. The encouraging thing is that what I read is having an impact, I shudder to think if it didn't.

And so with that being said I will praise God that he has left us with an Emergency First Aid Kit. For you see his words are life and breathe and without the Bible I would be lost and without hope. May my hunger for truth grow and may it's healing power be instilled in more each day. Amen.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 124 - This is the day!

I woke up at around 4 am this morning and at first I was not sure why. I spent sometime praying to the Lord and then got up so as not to disturb my wife. I watched a TV show and when it was a reasonable hour went out to the garage and worked out. Afterwards I went for a walk and continued my conversation with God.

I ended up in the local park watching squirrels run around who had been sleeping all Winter. And as I soaked in my surroundings I remembered that this was the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Not that I was bummed out this morning or having a moment of being lost, but I knew something was slightly off. I guess due to recent events and sickness as well as deaths, both here and all over the world, I was focused on sorrow and the passing of friends and family.

This remembrance that God spoke to me this morning through his creation was exactly what I needed. He does that a lot, some people think that they will hear a loud voice and miss what the Lords creation surrounding them is trying to say. Here I was sitting on a rock my eyes closed in prayer and the birds were singing in the morning. Heck even they know that God deserves the praise everyday, and so they heralded in the Sun. This reminded me that every night has its morning and the Sun is a reminder that the light is coming, not just for today but for eternity. Even the dead leaves on the ground and the empty branches on the trees spoke to me and whispered that everything must die in order to be renewed. They are a sign of what must be for us and our bodies.

Of course this rediscovery of life after death, jogged me out of my funk as I continued on my walk. O yeah, and if someone tells you God does not give things to his children, don't you believe it. I now have a new basketball full of air that was sitting on the path just waiting for me. I think he wanted me to remember that with all that happens in the world it is still okay to have some fun.

So I will cook breakfast, and enjoy the day for he has created it. I will love my wife and show it perhaps a little more today and let that knowledge change me. May the grace he showed me this morning be extended to you today. I see, I hear, I can walk, I can talk, I can and will rejoice and be glad in it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 123 - Lunch: Taste and know that the Lord is good

Once again I just finished my lunch and let me say, I have been feasting everyday since the beginning of January. Not only am I eating lunch but I am eating up the word of God. Along with my blog I have been making an effort to have Bible study at least twice a day. One of those times happens to be on my lunch. Much like the food, the word gives me that much needed middle of the day boost to help me get through.

Don't ask me how I ever got along without implementing this before. I mean if I skip a day things just don't seem to feel as smooth or calm, I find that I get a little jumpy. I guess that is why we are called to abide in the word. Just like food; the Bible provides the Christian with what we need for daily life, I guess that's why they call it daily bread. Whatever you feed yourself, be it movies, radio, television or books will eventually manifest it self to the world. I mean if you eat junk food all the time eventually it will show on your body. In a similar fashion if you are bombarding your mind with trash, trash will show up in your life.

And since the mind controls the rest of the functioning of the body, perhaps we should all take better care of it. I sense that I am changing and strongly believe that the rate of that change has been accelerated as a direct result of the time spent reading the Word of God.

Since I want to be healthy in mind body and spirit, I will continue to feed myself with the Word of life.

"Taste and know that the Lord is good."