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Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 123 - Lunch: Taste and know that the Lord is good

Once again I just finished my lunch and let me say, I have been feasting everyday since the beginning of January. Not only am I eating lunch but I am eating up the word of God. Along with my blog I have been making an effort to have Bible study at least twice a day. One of those times happens to be on my lunch. Much like the food, the word gives me that much needed middle of the day boost to help me get through.

Don't ask me how I ever got along without implementing this before. I mean if I skip a day things just don't seem to feel as smooth or calm, I find that I get a little jumpy. I guess that is why we are called to abide in the word. Just like food; the Bible provides the Christian with what we need for daily life, I guess that's why they call it daily bread. Whatever you feed yourself, be it movies, radio, television or books will eventually manifest it self to the world. I mean if you eat junk food all the time eventually it will show on your body. In a similar fashion if you are bombarding your mind with trash, trash will show up in your life.

And since the mind controls the rest of the functioning of the body, perhaps we should all take better care of it. I sense that I am changing and strongly believe that the rate of that change has been accelerated as a direct result of the time spent reading the Word of God.

Since I want to be healthy in mind body and spirit, I will continue to feed myself with the Word of life.

"Taste and know that the Lord is good."

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