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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 130 - Aware

Well despite locking the keys in the car today, I think that things went pretty smooth. Not because things went as planned, but because my reaction to them was. I sometimes can get jangled by events and often allow external circumstances to affect my emotions. Today that did not happen. As I have noticed before there is a change happening within. I give the credit wholly to the Lord and his words, aka the Bible and the meditation on it. I am aware of the truth and the more it becomes my life focus, the easier it is to ignore the problems of the world. Life is easy when you know the only thing you need to get right is that God exists and that he has a plan for you. Everything else seems to flow from this, and things that once annoyed me are esteemed with the proper weight. God is what is important and what he wants for me is a close second, everything else doesn't really matter.

This is not to say that I do not acknowledge the things that God brings into my life, only that their impact on it has lessened. I find that I am not seeking after things of the world, like a new car, the latest cell phone or gadget, but rather how I can conform myself more to the image and patterns of Christ. I seek to change, make personal connections and make people and their spirits more meaningful than the things of the world. Being aware of somethings value in the spiritual world can sometimes; I find, be more important than the physical. And being aware of the difference matters.

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