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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 124 - This is the day!

I woke up at around 4 am this morning and at first I was not sure why. I spent sometime praying to the Lord and then got up so as not to disturb my wife. I watched a TV show and when it was a reasonable hour went out to the garage and worked out. Afterwards I went for a walk and continued my conversation with God.

I ended up in the local park watching squirrels run around who had been sleeping all Winter. And as I soaked in my surroundings I remembered that this was the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Not that I was bummed out this morning or having a moment of being lost, but I knew something was slightly off. I guess due to recent events and sickness as well as deaths, both here and all over the world, I was focused on sorrow and the passing of friends and family.

This remembrance that God spoke to me this morning through his creation was exactly what I needed. He does that a lot, some people think that they will hear a loud voice and miss what the Lords creation surrounding them is trying to say. Here I was sitting on a rock my eyes closed in prayer and the birds were singing in the morning. Heck even they know that God deserves the praise everyday, and so they heralded in the Sun. This reminded me that every night has its morning and the Sun is a reminder that the light is coming, not just for today but for eternity. Even the dead leaves on the ground and the empty branches on the trees spoke to me and whispered that everything must die in order to be renewed. They are a sign of what must be for us and our bodies.

Of course this rediscovery of life after death, jogged me out of my funk as I continued on my walk. O yeah, and if someone tells you God does not give things to his children, don't you believe it. I now have a new basketball full of air that was sitting on the path just waiting for me. I think he wanted me to remember that with all that happens in the world it is still okay to have some fun.

So I will cook breakfast, and enjoy the day for he has created it. I will love my wife and show it perhaps a little more today and let that knowledge change me. May the grace he showed me this morning be extended to you today. I see, I hear, I can walk, I can talk, I can and will rejoice and be glad in it.

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