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Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 148 - Pursuit of Happiness

Love is in the air lately with the Royal Wedding happening it seems to be the hottest topic of the week. I hear whispers about people taping it, getting up early to watch it and all the excitement that it brings. All this talk of weddings reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend regarding Love. Many people are searching for happiness and often miss the grander prize of Love & Joy. Too many are wrapped up in their right to the pursuit of happiness, it is even written in the American constitution.

The problem with this is that they are striving for the wrong mark. The Bible speaks of Love everlasting and abundant Joy, why then are people so surprised when happiness does not fill the void. As I mentioned to my friend, how can to people get married if they know nothing about Love and the source of it. I don't mean the love that is mentioned concerning a type of food, a style of hair or a new outfit. I mean Love with a capital L. For God so Loved the world he gave his only Son. That Love is true, that Love is pure. Jesus said no greater Love hath a man that he lay down his life for his friend, which is exactly what he did. The one who was pure, good and the embodiment of Love took our burden of sin and die to save us.

With this belief one would think it would be easy for those of faith in Christ to make the correlation that knowing the source of Love better on an ongoing basis would be the key to expressing it to others. The closer we get to Jesus, the more we understand what true and pure Love is. And by association, we being closer to Christ change, and that Love experienced in turn has an outward expression toward those around us. The snare here is that there are some people who have not made this connection. They think that their happiness (aka Love) is found in the other. This is a grievous error and can lead to numerous problems.

We were created to be loved by God, no other will suffice. It is written, Who can compare to thee and I came that you might have life and life abundant. No other person or thing can possibly fill that void we all have because of original sin. We were made to commune with the Lord of creation and his Love is what we crave and need. This is why many people are addicted to one or many things. They try to fill the void where God should be with things that are perishable and have a shelf life, which is why enough is never enough.

So because of this fact I will try to share this knowledge of true Love whenever the chance arises.Of course the key for me is to remember this fact daily and continue to press close to the heart of the Father so that his character and Love are shown instead of mine.

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