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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 222 Friday Night's

I write this as I wait for the worship team at Converge. Friday is one of my favorite nights and I would rather be here that anywhere on a Friday. I still remember when that was not the case.

For those readers who don't know, Converge is a service at church aimed at post graduate people and designed to bring them together to share in the worship of God and enjoy life together. O Yeah and sometimes like tonight I have the privilege of running the sound board.

It is nice to be a part of something you believe in, I think that deep down everyone hopes and wants that human interaction. One with only the good stuff, you know like acceptance, friendship, a listening ear, understanding and all in a non-judgemental venue. Well that place is Converge.

Put simply we all have fallen short and know it, so for the most part we do what the Bible commands and encourage one another. I think that is what I like the most, people here are transparent,  real and caring. Seldom is there a mask or wall encountered, this allow for the genuine growth and birth of relationships.

This type of open relationship is just like the one we have with our God, to bad that this place was not everywhere and everyday. God bless Converge.

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