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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 234 Miracles

Miracles in this day and age come on really? I mean in Jesus' time sure, but now with all this technology and science that surrounds us? That is how most think, that is the state in which we can find ourselves if we are not careful or observant. The world can sometimes overload our senses to the point where we stop seeing, noticing, and appreciating much of the miracles that surround us. Sure during times of intense stress or joy we once again peel back the veil from our eyes and see miracles, like during child birth, being rescued from a disaster or getting that job you know you weren't qualified for. But for the most part that daily reverence, that openness to God's creation has been stifled by the drone of the world, do more, have more, go faster, live life to the fullest, he who has the most toys wins.

That is why I am grateful for this morning's personal miracle or should I say miracles. That's right I experienced one today and hopefully every day until Christ returns. I witnesses a spectacular event this morning, to some it might seem dull or stupid but not to me. The sunrise that was orchestrated by God this morning made me stop dead in my tracks as I walked to work. I just stood there gazing at it beauty and kept repeating to myself that God had commanded this event to take shape, right here, right now. How awesome is that, the creator of the world command this large mass to spin around another in such a way as to provide warmth and light to our world and probable many more things that we will never understand.

My point is this when is the last time you paused to watch one unfold? Just like me I am sure that we pass things on a daily basis that could and should be celebrated and classified as miracles. After my first revelation of course, more followed, the trees, the birds even the flowers and the many differences. I even noticed that my breathing became a little deeper and more exploratory trying to take it all in. Creation is a daily miracle and wonder, so is the life that is in me and every living being. Joy should be in your heart always and I was glad for it to be in mine this morning. What a wonderful feeling to know that you are walking through and living in something your God created. That appreciation I hope I will never forget or take it for granted again. Find joy in the little things, for the things we find little are usually bigger than we think.

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