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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 232 Lunch with my Brother

Monday I had lunch with my brother and let me say that it has been to long since we last connected. From the time I was a small boy I have loved and appreciated him; perhaps not some of the things he has done, but always him. When we were younger we used to go everywhere and do everything together, I am pretty sure that we were best friends. It was cool to know that I could always count on him to be by my side if and when I needed him. I remember whole summers playing hockey and biking around together. Don't get me wrong, life was not always smooth between us; like most boys we managed to find ourselves in trouble frequently. But that never changed our relationship.

Of course as we both grew up and got married and he now has a whole family to provide and care for of his own, time together seems to become less and less. Funny you think that would change the way I feel about him but it doesn't. I still believe that I can rely on him if I really need something and that is great to know. Having a brother is something that I have always been able to lean on and I don't think I can begin to understand life with out one. Of course I have more than one brother; and I am close with them all, but Dave is the one I grew up with and bonded with the most. Only three years separate us from each other, which means that we like a lot of the same things and hung out with the same people. I guess what I am trying to say is that I miss spending that kind of time with him, but appreciate the times we do have and I thank him for going to lunch with me. He is a great guy and I am proud to call him brother and friend and I can't wait for the next lunch.

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