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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 223 Guests

Saturday was a great day, accented by a visit from family from out of town. It is always nice to see family and friends that live a long distance away. It seems as if the further away and the less frequent you see someone the more you appreciate their company. Merna's Aunt and Uncle were in town from Washington for a few days and it gave us a chance to show them our house, sit down and have some food and coffee and catch up on family news.

Of course because our life is so full we also went over to my sisters to attend a BBQ for three of the kids Birthdays and on top of that we also had a chance to meet and great the Russian Contingency visiting Galina, my dad's wife who also recently celebrated a Birthday. It was nice to have them here to share in some family events. And despite the sun burns from the weekend beach stay I think they are having a great time.

Our weekends seem to be relatively the same with respect to running around and visiting, at times it can be tiring. But the point is that what we value in life should not be the things that we surround ourselves with but the people with which we share our lives.

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