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Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 156 A Reason for Hope & Joy

Only to clarify and make fast my own mind do I write for a remembrance and reference; what is the reason for my hope and joy.

Those who have known me in my teenage years would attest to the fact that my own merit would never be reason enough for my acceptance into heaven. For God who is Perfect, Holy and Good in all ways would not be able to look at me never mind commune with one of such great sin.

And so my hope is found not in myself, but in one thing, that the God of this world would forgive my sins and remove them from my account, both in the past and future. This monumental show of compassion was accomplished through his Son, whom he sent as a ransom for many and an example to the world of what we were made to originally be.

It is for this reason I rejoice, Jesus spanned the gap, God removed my sins and accounted his Son’s redemption to me at the time of his death on the cross. This however is not the end but the beginning of my reconciliation to God. I have been bought with a heavy price, therefore we who have freely received are called to also freely give.

And so it is with great joy I tell you do not lose hope. Judgment can be averted even if you are as unworthy as I. Christ’s righteousness can be yours if you except him as the Son of God and your redeemer. You can be saved.

Matt 11:28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

That question we all have in our beings, “What is my purpose or Why am I here,” is answered simply. We were designed to commune with our creator; God, and this is now possible again thanks to Jesus who died to pays for our sins. Only when we are spotless; can we come before him and so to the one who paid the price, to him be the Power, Glory, and Honour now and forever. Amen.

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