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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 188 Summer Kids

Remember when you were a kid during the summer months? You know, NO SCHOOL yeah. I am sure that we all have those summer day memories of stay out all day until the street lights came on, the picnics, the beaches and riding bikes in packs with friends. I do. For some reason I always had the same complaint, do I have to come in now? That's right I didn't want to go to bed. For as long as I can remember I fought with my mom about going to bed. Sometimes she would catch me in the hallway peaking around the corner and make me stand in the corner until I couldn't stand anymore.

Well it is safe to say that I am over the hump on that issue, sleep is one of the most important things to me now. I am grateful that at the end of the day I have a place I can rest my head and recharge. It is not that I don't have any energy, it's that my age to energy ratio has changed. I have moved from the endurance to the sprint. Take for example yesterday, I rode my bike into work, worked all day, rode home, lifted weights, planted 5 zucchini plants (thanks mama), did some running on the tread mill, cooked dinner, made lunch and then sat down for 1 hour before hitting the bed. Now after all this I looked at my to do list and it doesn't look any smaller. I guess when comparing a kid to an adult it is the same amount of time and energy except that the focus is shifted onto other duties.

All I know is that when I woke up this morning I felt great and ready to go, that is why I never complain when I get told to go to bed anymore. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. And to that little kid inside I say just wait until the weekend and then I will set you free until Sunday night when I will tell you that it is time to come in, because you have work tomorrow.

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