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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 192 Sales Meeting

Yesterday was the big sales meeting, the one that most people dread. The annual sales projection meeting is the most difficult meetings for most people. The building of a plan and quantifying of sales numbers is a monumental task. However the benefit of researching the market place, identifying target markets and assessing available market clients is a good exercise for every sales person. The more detailed a plan and the more you understand the market you are targeting the more chance for success you will have. Target numbers are not random and can be calculated and this year I have a solid plan and excitement to put it into daily practice.

Like most things in life; sale involves effort and struggle, the reward ratio matches the risk. This is not a snap your fingers and be successful or wave a wand and everything will fall into place. It is the slow going, nose to the grind stone daily effort, which will help me achieve my goals. The trick is to keep your eye on the destination, while operating in the now.

This concept is not new, for it is mentioned in the bible frequently. As Christians we are called to live in the world and not of the world. Our eyes are to be fixed upon the kingdom to come and affect the way we live our lives today and how we impact the world. And so, since the good Lord above gave me the talents, I will use them as best I can both in my work life and at home.

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