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Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 196 Why you should welcome the struggle.

All week long I have been wrestling with things in my life. Everybody has weaknesses and imperfections, difficult things to give up and old habits, which as they say “die hard.” As a Christian you are called to die to self and live as a new creature, this is not a singular event but more like and on going process. The process itself is called sanctification and involves repentance and turning away from the habits of the old to the actions of the new. Some things are easier to give up then other. Not that I am grading sin by my own moral compass, it is just that each one of us has things that are easier to give up than others.

This process is different for everyone and so are my struggles. Some people find anger difficult others patience and some others cursing. But like everyone else I struggle with the things I find difficult and sometimes they can even become a shame to me. This is the time in which we must rely on the Lord and his Grace more than ever. For condemnation is the enemy’s favorite game to play. The bible even states that he stands in the presence of the throne day and night and accuses the brethren. Of course he accuses the brethren, we are the ones that believe and worship God, he is not going to bother those who don’t. So each one of us must remember that God’s judgment and our sin was dealt with at the cross and taken on by Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Which means that if we have any guilty feelings, shame or feelings of low self worth, we should go to that source for comfort.

And this is where I wish to emphasize my gratitude to Jesus; he has been holding me all week telling me that it is okay. When I find it difficult he is there to carry me through and comfort me. His love is what encourages me to carry on and serve him despite my shortcomings and struggles, to treat others with the love that he displayed. He is the one that let’s me know it is okay to stumble or fail as long as I continue to try again. For it is when we lose that heart, we must be wary. That lack of struggle is a sign that we have stopped growing or caring.

God has always taken those who are broken and performed miracles, that is what makes them miracles to begin with. Only by confounding the wise and the worldly concept of possibility does he show himself to all. So remember what the Bible say, in my weakness he is made strong. Take your focus off of yourself and remember that it is not about your ego, reputation or glory and that he alone is your judge.

So to wrap this up if you are in the midst of overcoming something like me, remember that he is molding you within the struggle in order to bring an unbelievable result, which in the end will glorify him. Stay the course and wait on him. Live only for his Glory.  

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