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Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 111 - My Wife

I watched a movie with my wife yesterday called Ice Castle. It is based on a true story about a young woman, a skater who became blind and overcame obstacles, both physical and mental and became a champion. Needless to say this tale had a deep meaning for both of us.

For you see we both have different perspectives of who she is, my wife I mean. For those of you who don't know Merna, she is an unstoppable force. If she is interested in anything or wonders about something, it is very rare that she will let anyone or any circumstance prevent her from trying or doing whatever it is she wants. This woman has taught herself how to play the piano, how to play harmonica, gone skiing, gone snow tubing, wants to drive, wants to skydive, learned to appreciate sushi and eat it with chopsticks, loves to cook and create, and helps everyone she meets. I yeah I forgot to mention the crochets.

When we first met I thought that this girl is crazy, she extends her trust way to easily to others. But I soon learned that this was her way of connecting with others and that she truly cared and wish to make a difference in the lives of those around her. It seemed to be her duty to lift those up around her and care for those others ignored. Once I figured her out I realized that she sees more than most because, instead of her eyes she uses her heart. And let me tell you her heart, sees all and cares for all, that is why she is my hero. Her strength is immense and she has a courage unmatched. Not to say that she is never afraid, but she would never let it prevent her from doing what she perceives as the right thing.

So until I climb a mountain or lift a car with my own very hands, my feats of accomplishment will pale, compared to hers. For it is not how much God has given us alone that defines us, but what we accomplish with those talents that matter. My wife has certainly attained; in this man's eyes at least, the highest award possible, the Gold Metal of life. For she daily exercises what God has given her, with out excuse with Grace and Dignity.

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