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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 113 - Peace

Well I finally made it home, what a day. Instead of my normal get up and go to the office, I headed out to attend two seminars today, which means driving in the snowy conditions. To say the least it is a mess out there. I thought this morning was bad with the two bus four car accident I saw, but now it is just getting ridiculous. I just saw a tractor trailer that can't get through an intersection and is blocking the west bound lanes at Lawrence and McCowan.

Let me tell you me and God and I were tight today, both coming and going. Okay God was tight with me today and I tried to keep up. Hey wait a minute come to think of it I was pretty much at ease driving today. I guess that's because I had the peace that passes all understanding. That is to say, I have found that worry and anxiety have just about vanished from my daily life. Oh sure I get the odd quick shock factor cringe, but nothing that really impacts my day or decisions.

I started to think about why on the way home. I only came up with one answer, peace. I even asked myself, how come things are so different now? and when did this happen? To be honest I don't know, it just did. I do have some clue that it has to do with this blog and reflecting on my blessings everyday and also being in the word when ever I can. I just hope that in the midst of all these blessing and peace that I don't get comfortable and think that I deserve this.

You see there are two types of spiritual growth; one occurs with daily life and happens inch by inch, the other is a rapid trial by fire kind. Most times this trial by fire happens because we think we did something to affect our current status and affluence. Let me tell you I don't want that. So it is my prayer that my humility will continue to expand and that the Grace shown to me by Christ Jesus, I can likewise extend to others.

In the mean time I thank God for providing this new found peace and will continue to abide in his word.

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