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Friday, March 25, 2011

Day -115 Instruction Manual

Have you ever felt lost some days, like everything you do or touch just seems to go wrong? I know that I have. Not as much as I used too, but it has happened. I think the reason why we all feel this way is because of our distance from our creator. I mean how can you know where you are going if you don't know where you came from or where you are going? I mean it is like driving with out a map. This fundamental question is answered only on a profound personal level and is usually discovered through faith in God. I know that for me, this is true. Now this takes care of the beginning and the end, but what about the middle, the journey? What do I do until the end? I mean my life is a little more complex than a car. Well guess what, just like a car the best way to figure out how to maintain it during it's life span is to read the instruction manual.

The manual I am referring to is the Bible. The more I study it the simpler my life seems to get. I can not remember ever reading it and putting it down without gaining some sort of insight or understanding about my own life. The key is not only the basic reading of this manual, but the follow through. I mean everyone knows that you need to change the oil in their car, but you still have to be proactive and do it. Not only do we need to do it but also on a regularly scheduled basis. My life just like a car needs regular check ups, continual upgrades and maintenance. Reading the Bible on a daily basis brings me stability and smoother ride. Like a road map that points out all the traffic jams and dangerous areas, the Bible also shows me how to get through life with as little bumps and accidents as possible.

There is also a peace that comes over me when I remain in the word which eliminates anxiousness. Kind of like driving at night on a dark road; high beams reveal the hazards, so too does the bible with our lives. Being able to see where you are going takes away fear and helps you to enjoy the ride (life). So as I continue my life's journey I will continue to refer to the manual and make sure the this spiritual vehicle withstands the effects of  the world and time.

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