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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day One Hundred - The Big Day

As I knew it would be a big day for day 100. The world is in turmoil here are just a few items that hit me before noon. There was a Church burning in Cairo as Muslims and Christian clashed with several dead. Continued unrest in Libya destabilizes the Middle East. In Russia one of the security offices is bombed. Thousands of dead fish wash up on shore in the US and a quake of 7.3 Magnitude hits of the coast of Japan triggering what is sure to be a large Tsunami.

The above is just a snap shot of a typical day and does not reflect the things I am thankful for. The news like the Earth Quake is a mere catalyst for the magnitude of my gratefulness. For when your foundation is built upon the rock nothing can shake you, but it can snap things in to sharper focus. God reigns and always will and even though we don't like to think about it he and his judgement are coming. His Son came once to die for sinners like me and paid the price for our iniquity and he will do so again but with this time he brings wrath. For those who are saved this is their hope on which our lives our built. We will be united with the one who gave it all and loves us like no other can.

With the world in chaos and those all around doing what seems right in their own eyes; just like in the times of Noah, it is no surprise that the escalation of the worlds decline is so evident.  The bible mentions a great falling away from those who are of the faith and I for one am glad to be a part of APC. This bible believing church not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. Their outreach to the community and dedication to the truth of the word is self evident. I am please to be a part of this body of Christ and will continue to apply my self in the service of the Lord when and where I can. For soon there will come a day when no man can work.

As for me, I am thankful for my many blessings, my home, job, wife, family, church. All of which have been given me from his gracious hand. May I choose wisely today, and do what pleases him with what he has in trusted.

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